Ambika author photo

About me

Hi, I’m Ambi and author of forthcoming YA novel The Sticky Note Manifesto of Aisha Agarwal, out Summer ‘24 by Quill Tree (Harper Collins). If you’d like to get the occasional update on what I’m up to, you can go to the bottom of my homepage and subscribe to my newsletter!

I grew up in Michigan in a small town full of corn mazes, pumpkin patches, and freezing winters. After graduating from college, I moved out to sunny California and have been here ever since (we still have some pumpkin patches, thankfully). I work as a product designer by day, and in my spare time, I can be found eating dark chocolate, cooking Indian food, or sitting on a park bench.

For anyone reading this, thank you for reading my book, considering to read my book, or accidentally clicking on this. Writing is what I’ve always dreamed of doing, and I feel lucky to interact with you in this cup-and-string way…not so close, but not so far either.

My books are for you.